Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Successful first day!

Thank you to everyone for a successful first day in Grade 1! I enjoyed getting to meet all of my students and I hope they are looking forward to our year. We were busy today learning about our new roles and routines for grade 1. 

We started off the day by reading First Grade Stinks! by Mary Ann Rodman. Ask your child if they can think of any differences between Kindergarten and grade 1. 

We also played some 'getting to know you' games in the class to share some of our interests and get to know one another. After this, we read a funny story called No, David! by David Shannon. We used this silly story to write a list of how a grade 1 student should behave at school. Ask your child which part of the story they found the funniest! 

In the afternoon we did some 'Math about me' and went to the gym to play some cooperative games. Maybe your child can remember the rules of a new game the learned. 

Overall we had a successful start to the year:) Looking forward to many more great days!

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