Monday, February 6, 2017

Our week

This is going to be a busy week preparing everything for the big opening on Friday! Today the entire school participated in a video that will be played at the dress rehearsal on Thursday and the opening on Friday, so stay tuned ;-) The confetti pictures are a clue!

For literacy, our sight words this week are: them, these, so, some and her. I will send home some practice activities in the yellow folder.

We finished illustrating our first Wall Story and I have turned it into a class book! Tomorrow we have a new story to learn and illustrate.

In Math we will continue to practice our mental math strategies in order to strengthen our number sense. Again, I will send home some activities in the yellow folder.

In social studies we are continuing our unit on family and belonging. Students will be interviewing their families at home and presenting to the class in a couple of weeks. Please look for the white interview form if you did not receive it from me at conferences.

For science we are going to use our 5 senses to TASTE our plants and describe them, now that all three have grown! The plants are basil, dill and parsley. Please let me know if you would rather your child not taste the herbs and they can just use their other senses:-)

Hope to see parents at the dress rehearsal and/or opening and am looking forward to a busy week!

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