Monday, February 27, 2017

Our week at a glance

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful weekend. This week's sight words are: write, go, see, on and number. Your child will bring home some word work in their yellow folder. We are also continuing to work on our 'The Very Hungry....' stories and have started our good copies! We have two scheduled blocks with our grade 3 buddies to do some research on our animals and to look up pictures to help us with our illustrations this week. We hope to have a finished copy to bring home and read to parents for the weekend!

For literacy groups we are working on the blends /sh/ and /ch/. Ask your child what they worked on in their small group and who their new group members are!

In math we continued with our mental math strategies and learned a new doubles game. Ask your child to teach you how to play when they show you their work in the yellow folder.

Now that our plants are fully grown and we have re-potted them, the students will be bringing home their 'Seed to Sprout' journals to share with parents.  We will wrap up our senses unit soon and move on to the needs of Plants and Animals and continue to integrate learning about the seasons.

Tomorrow we will begin presenting our family interviews! We have continued with this unit by drawing a family portrait, discussing the concept of 'home' and drawing time lines of important events in our lives.  Ask your child to share one important event that they put on their time line:-)

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

-Ms. C

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