Saturday, October 22, 2016

Wow, what a week!

We had such a long, fun week filled with learning. Here are some things that happened at school this past week.

Our field trip to the corn Maze was a huge success! The students had a blast learning about the life cycle of a pumpkin, watching the pig races, and finding their way through the corn Maze.  What was your child's favourite part of the trip?

The next day at school we continued with our Writer's Workshop and incorporated a rubric and some examples for the kids to self assess their writing, and decide if they need to keep going or if they just need to add a few more details. The students independently take their writing to the rubric wall and check their work. They then decide if "I've only just begun", "I need to keep going" or "great! Now what else can I add?". They will each have opportunities to conference with their teacher one on one and decide on some goals and receive support in areas of growth.

On Friday we were able to extend our learning about pumpkins and incorporate our new number sense unit in math. I brought in a pumpkin that the students could feel, touch, smell and observe and I cut it open for us to examine what was inside! Each student received some pulp and seeds to explore and then we did some estimating and counting. We took guesses about how many seeds we thought would be in the entire pumpkin. The guesses ranged from 100 to 10 000! After we opened up the pumpkin, each student counted their own bowls of seeds. We then added them altogether. The entire pumpkin had 437 seeds! We set them aside and I will be washing and dyeing them different colours to continue to use for math next week, and eventually for an art project. Ask your child if their estimate was close to the actual count of seeds!

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