Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pumpkin seed activities

The students have been using the pumpkin seeds from our pumpkin last week to do a variety of activities. Over the weekend, I dyed the seeds in 3 cool colours. The class first looked at some pictures that use warm colours like red, orange and yellow; and then some pictures that use cool colours like blue, green and purple. We talked about how the differences made us feel and what kinds of images we associated with each.
The students then split into groups to sort their seeds by colour. They used this information to learn about graphs and important elements of a graph. They placed their seeds on the graph to see which colour they had the most of and the least of. They also gave their graph a title and labeled the important information.
Today, students used the seeds to start learning about place value. We decided it would be easiest to count a large number of seeds by grouping them into piles of 10 first. Some other ideas included counting by 2s and 5s. After we counted our seeds; we split them into 24 equal piles so that each student would have the same amount of seeds to create and art piece.
Here are some pictures of the whole process!

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