Monday, June 5, 2017

This week is Literacy Week at Ken Taylor!

This week we are celebrating the love of reading and writing with some fun activities. Today is Read my Shirt day! We had a lot of students with some funny and motivational sayings on their T-shirts!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 6th is ride your bike to school day. If you live close and would like to participate, please ride your bike to school. We will be opening up half of the gym to store the bikes in so they will be safe, as we do not have enough bike locks to accommodate all the bikes outside! Tuesday is also D.E.A.R. day; which means 'Drop Everything And Read!' Throughout the day the teachers might tell the students to DEAR! This will be a fun way to promote literacy throughout the school.

Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday where the students are encourage to dress mixed-up. Thursday the students are asked to wear many different colours and Friday is crazy sock day! This days were all inspired by the much loved author Dr. Seuss and his whacky books:)

Thursday is also our Great Book Exchange! Thank you for all the donations of gently used books that will go on sale for $0.25 on Thursday and give students a chance to donate old books and buy new ones for their shelves at home:) If you would like to donate some books, please send them with your child this week up until Thursday!

Swimming starts on Monday, June the 12th so please don't forget to send your child with their swimmies!

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