Friday, April 7, 2017

Home Reading

Your child is bringing their first home reading book today! Inside their book bag there is an information letter, a log to keep track of books read, and a book for the weekend. Please have your child read it to you a few times over the weekend and then they may return it on Monday and bring a new one home. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/concerns.

Our class has been working hard on their 'What do you see?' stories but they weren't quite ready to bring home today! Here are some examples of the beautiful, hard work they have done.

We will also begin building our community for our integrated Social and Science units next week. Ask your child what part of the community they are designing and building.

To integrate our Math shapes unit and Community unit we are working on an art project inspired by artist Paul Klee. Using geometric shapes, the students are designing a city landscape. Here are some of their projects so far.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and I look forward to our Zoo field trip next Tuesday! I will post more information on the upcoming Student-led conferences early next week.

-Ms. C

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