Friday, April 28, 2017


The grade 1s will be having an in-school field trip put on by Teacher's Pet where they will be learning about building a Zoo enclosure and a 3-D animal. This will take place on May 9th from 9-11. Each class will need 4 volunteers to assist with the program. If you would like to volunteer please let me know via email or after school/morning. Please note you must have current CBE police clearance in order to volunteer. 

Thank you!

-Ms. C

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


We have fallen into second place!!! Please follow the link and can vote as many times as you like!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Our Week at a Glance!

Now that the students have finished writing and illustrating two pattern stories modeled after the works of Eric Carle, they are going to learn how to complete a piece of non-fiction writing. The students started off by writing about a favourite animal. Some questions they were asked to ponder were 'What do you know about this animal? Why is this your favourite animal? What do you want to learn more about?'

After they completed this short writing prompt we gathered as a big group to discuss the difference between fiction and non-fiction books. Mrs. W. had gathered some books about beavers of both genres and we compared and contrasted the two types.

Then the students were ready to compile a list of things that they think they know about Beavers and things that they want to learn more about.

We will continue to research Beavers and will eventually complete a non-fiction writing piece that the students will be able to share with parents at home.

For math we will continue to learn about characteristics of 2 and 3-dimensional shapes and complete problem solving activities with them.

For Social and Science the students are continuing to build their part of our larger 'Community Project'. Ask your child what they are building and what materials they are using to complete their design.

This Wednesday is FUN LUNCH! Also, this Friday we are having another movie night to raise money for the playground; put on by our fabulous parent council. Myself and Mrs. W. will both be there to support! Hope to see you there.

Don't forget to vote for our video to win the $50 000 grant from the Hitmen!!

Have a lovely week:)

Sunday, April 23, 2017

VOTE for Kenneth D. Taylor

Please make sure to follow this link and watch our school's video and vote in order to try and win a $50 000 grant from the Calgary Hitmen to put towards a playground!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Denise Miller and Story-telling

The school had Denise Miller come visit again to tell more oral stories about First Nations people. After, my class re-told the stories by drawing pictures and summarizing the story into 6 main events and drawing into a comic-style drawing. Then the students were able to add thought and speech bubbles to their picture to show what some of the characters might be thinking or saying. As an extension to this, we will learn about using dialogue in a piece of writing and use the speech bubbles as an example for the words that should go inside quotation marks in a story. Here are some of our comics!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Spring Fun!

Today when the students arrived they had fun searching for colourful eggs with sight words hidden inside! After, we continued with our Spring theme by doing a guided drawing of a rabbit and building a tall, sturdy tower with our plastic eggs. This afternoon the students had to work in groups to build a raft using a set amount of materials including popsicle sticks, tape, twine and glue. Their goal was to build a raft that they could put a marshmallow Peep on that would stay afloat and as dry as possible. They worked well in their groups and had a lot of fun doing it!

ALSO! Here is some updated information about Student-Led Conferences:
 Just a friendly reminder, Student-Led Conferences will be taking place on Monday, April 17th.
 This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to share the fabulous work that they have been working on over the past couple of months.  You child will share a piece of writing, read to you and demonstrate some of their math skills.
 During this time, teachers will be available to answer your questions.  As per the e-mail previously sent by the school, if you require a private conversation with your child’s teacher please contact them directly.
 Have a fabulous long weekend and see you on Monday!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Zoo!

Wow what a fun day at the Zoo! Thank you so much to all the volunteers who helped out; without you these field trips would not be possible and you are very appreciated!

Hopefully the students sleep well tonight and are ready for a day of learning tomorrow:)

Friday, April 7, 2017

Home Reading

Your child is bringing their first home reading book today! Inside their book bag there is an information letter, a log to keep track of books read, and a book for the weekend. Please have your child read it to you a few times over the weekend and then they may return it on Monday and bring a new one home. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/concerns.

Our class has been working hard on their 'What do you see?' stories but they weren't quite ready to bring home today! Here are some examples of the beautiful, hard work they have done.

We will also begin building our community for our integrated Social and Science units next week. Ask your child what part of the community they are designing and building.

To integrate our Math shapes unit and Community unit we are working on an art project inspired by artist Paul Klee. Using geometric shapes, the students are designing a city landscape. Here are some of their projects so far.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and I look forward to our Zoo field trip next Tuesday! I will post more information on the upcoming Student-led conferences early next week.

-Ms. C

Monday, April 3, 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back from Spring Break! (Although I hope it starts to feel more 'Spring-like' soon!) I hope everyone had a restful break.
The students started the week with some word work of sight words and jumping right into story writing! We will continue to work on our 'What do you see?' pattern stories with Mrs. Witzcack's class and should have something to bring home by the weekend!
We started our Shape and Space math unit by reading a book on shapes and being detectives in our classroom and identifying, labeling and classifying different shapes that we see in our environment.
We will be working on our social studies unit on Community and our science unit on Building Things with Mrs. Witzcack's class and this will be integrated into all our subjects in this last term of the year.
Home reading will be sent home this Friday as it is finally ready. (Yay!) There will be a letter with more information in their home reading bags.
Our field trip to the Zoo is also fast approaching! The consent forms and an information letter were sent home today, please let me know if you did not receive them and also if there are any last minute volunteers!
We have a new friend in class; be sure to ask your child about Lola!
I hope everyone has a great week getting back into the swing of things and please don't hesitate to stop by, email or call for any more information!
-Ms. C