Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Welcome Back! Our week at a Glance:

Welcome back; I hope everyone had an enjoyable, restful break!

This week we will dive right into our work where we left off in December. For literacy, we will continue to work on our short and long vowel sounds with a focus on /a/ this week. We will continue to incorporate these skills into our guided reading and our daily journal writing.

For math, we will continue with our number sense unit with a focus on subtracting numbers up to 10. We used Play-doh and 10 frame mats to build balls and SQUISH them with our fists to subtract them! We also used dice, whiteboards and number lines to assist in the concept. We will continue to work on this skill in the upcoming weeks.

For science this term, I am sharing one of my Christmas presents with my students to use in the classroom! We will be using our Aerogarden to grow some herbs and fruits from seeds. It has a built in light and timer and uses water and pods to guarantee the growth of our seeds. We took a vote and will start growing dill, basil and parsley tomorrow! We will make some predictions, observations and reflections and monitor our plants from now until the end of the year and watch our plants grow. We will tie this to both the Science Units; The Senses and The Needs of Plants and Animals.

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