In preparation for the Kenneth Taylor School opening on February 10th, we have been talking about the HEART values. At KTS we are Helpful, Empathetic, Accepting, Responsible, and Truthful. Ask your child to give you an example of a time that they have shown HEART.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Our week at a glance
In preparation for the Kenneth Taylor School opening on February 10th, we have been talking about the HEART values. At KTS we are Helpful, Empathetic, Accepting, Responsible, and Truthful. Ask your child to give you an example of a time that they have shown HEART.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Big Box of Cards Fundraiser!
If you would like to purchase the cards, keep the box and send $33 cash or cheque to school. (GST is included in that price.) If you would like to purchase additional boxes of cards, you may fill out an order form that was sent home with the box and include the appropriate amount of money in the envelope.
Thank you for your help with this fundraiser, put on by parent council.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Yellow Folder
Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns!
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Our week!
Our plants are continuing to grow each day and we were excited to see that the dill seeds are sprouting a couple of inches above the seed pod! Our basil continues to grow more leaves and we still haven't seen any sprout from our parsley yet. The students combined literacy and science by learning how to label their drawings using science vocabulary. We will use this same strategy when discussing our families and how we belong in Social Studies and work on specific vocabulary through a variety of activities such as building a family tree.
In math we are continuing to build on our mental math skills by reviewing skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. Students worked on this by filling in specific columns in a hundreds chart and describing any patterns that they recognized. They will also continue to work on simple addition and subtraction word problems and computations.
We have been taking advantage of the warm weather lately and playing outside! Here are some photos of us having fun and working together to build things.
Don't forget, this Friday is early dismissal so the students will be dismissed at 11:35!
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Oral Story presentation
We have continued to work on the short and long /e/ sound this week in literacy. Students complete some morning work on this skill everyday and have been bringing their work home to show parents at home some of the specific skills we do. We have also been working in guided reading groups everyday to improve our knowledge of sight words and practice our fluency and expression in reading.
Our basil plant is really growing now! The students have enjoyed using their senses to observe the plants and write down reflections. The dill plant also finally sprouted today! This created plenty of 'I wonder' questions. Why did the basil sprout first? When will the others sprout? We will continue to work in our 'Seed to Sprout' journals and add our learning to our living bulletin board.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Monday, January 9, 2017
Our week at a Glance!
We will continue working on short and long vowel sounds with a focus on /e/ this week. We will combine different centers and whole class activities to work on this sound including journaling, word building centers (stamps, play-doh,cut and paste) and Smartboard interactive activities!
For math we are continuing with addition and subtraction operations using numbers to 10 with a focus on simple word problems. We will use strategies such as using a number line, drawing a picture and using manipulatives to solve these problems.
In science, we will continue with our senses unit by observing our plants. We were all very excited to observe that one of our seed pods has sprouted! We will do some observing, sketching and problem solving with the plant over the next week:)
Friday, January 6, 2017
Scholastic Book Orders
I have sent home the scholastic Book order forms. If you would like to buy some books, please return the order form on Monday! Thanks!
We're excited to see if our plants have sprouted by then!
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Our little garden!
Today we planted our 3 seed pods in our Aerogarden and filled it up with water. Then we plugged it in and set the lights on a timer to give our plants 17 hours of sunlight every day. We planted basil, parsley and dill. We also started our 'Seed to Sprout' observation journals. Students started to write down the materials and procedure to plant our seeds. We will continue tomorrow by making hypotheses about our experiment. Which will sprout first? How many days before we see the first sprout? We will use our 5 senses to collect data on what we see, smell, hear, (our Aerogarden bubbles!) feel and eventually, taste!
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Welcome Back! Our week at a Glance:
This week we will dive right into our work where we left off in December. For literacy, we will continue to work on our short and long vowel sounds with a focus on /a/ this week. We will continue to incorporate these skills into our guided reading and our daily journal writing.
For math, we will continue with our number sense unit with a focus on subtracting numbers up to 10. We used Play-doh and 10 frame mats to build balls and SQUISH them with our fists to subtract them! We also used dice, whiteboards and number lines to assist in the concept. We will continue to work on this skill in the upcoming weeks.
For science this term, I am sharing one of my Christmas presents with my students to use in the classroom! We will be using our Aerogarden to grow some herbs and fruits from seeds. It has a built in light and timer and uses water and pods to guarantee the growth of our seeds. We took a vote and will start growing dill, basil and parsley tomorrow! We will make some predictions, observations and reflections and monitor our plants from now until the end of the year and watch our plants grow. We will tie this to both the Science Units; The Senses and The Needs of Plants and Animals.